Local government of Diyarbakir in cooperation with the community offices A Project for a Education-, Health-, and Rehabilitation Centre 2000 î for street children and children who have to live under difficult conditions
Prepared by the leading of health office and the social care office
1. Introduction
The children of Diyarbakir are affected by the similar problems like most other children in big cities in the world. The population is growing fast. Families have about 5.7 children. During the year – long armed conflict in this area the population of the city has five folded. Most of the new in habitants came with nothing to the city, as uprooted people, who have left their destroyed villages. Nobody was able to care about them alt that time; they became victims of oppression and exploitation. About 4000 children live a life without any protection and perspective, left alone and almost all of them living on the street.
Poverty and economic crisis lead to hunger, under nourishment, home lessness, and illiterateness, to the spreading of infectious diseases. Those children are forced to care for themselves on their own, to find a job – or to get money to survive. Also the number of drug addicts is growing. On this way several socially marginal groups emerged, to whan nobody feels responsible, their existence is even being denied. This situation can no longer be accepted, concrete steps have to be taken and concrete consequences should be achieved. The city will take their responsibility and start projects to improve the economic situation, the health care system, the school education and food situation.
2. Reasons for the project
About 60% of the population in Diyarbakir consists of children and teenagers. Since 1990 most of the business has left but thousands of rural people came to the city. The social city structure of the past has been destroyed. The social service system of the city is no longer able to cope with the new developments. The rise of social, psychological and physical stress factors produced a parallel rise of crime, especially crime caused by children, which can be related to the destruction of old family structures, which broke down under the new situations.
The situation of the children in the city is characterised by: economic exploitation rise and intensification of child labour and compulsory labour uprooting of children from their former social surroundings, the rise of drug addiction, homosexuality, prostitution, abuse and other forms of violence rise of crime rise of drug consume lack of social consciousness for the situation of the children insufficient and not available social service for marginal groups lack of education and care possibilities lack of reha bilitation possibilities poverty of most families, that forces children to the streets lack of information about the situation of the children, missing statistics and numbers
Economic and social problems are in the end responsible for the development of this situation. A possible solution could be the return of the exiled rural population to their home villages. Here it could be important, that both, communities and NGO`s are beginning their plans together.
3. Him and Purpose of the Project
Children, who live on and from the street, should be integrated again and get a perspective for a more human life. Under the leading of the community a rehabilitation centre for street children should be established. Children labour has to be abolished and the children integrated in the education system.
4. Starting Date of the Project
in Diyarbakir. It will be starting its work on their planned services on the second half of the year 2000. In the centre of the city a childrenís home will be built.
5. Organisation
The project will be under the overall control of the city of Diyarbakir and will be supported by the office of health and social care. The following graphic might be helpful to describe the organisational structure:
– Local government – Public / charity Ministry of Civil organisations Organisations health and social care NGO`s Accounts Office department Project leaders Families Target group
6. Who will be able to take advantage of the projects services?
Within the city boundary all local administrative departments, the private sector all groups of the population, families, NGO`s, should be mobilised to record statically all possible children to integrate them into the project. The following diagram shows seven groups who can use the services of the project: children begging street criminals children children children living on children gangs working living on living on the street on the rubbish street street children children organised ordinary children children children working collecting who ran under chewing illegally rubbish away from bridges gums their hand parents kerchiefs drug children children children addicts washing with who ran cars aggressive away from behaviour school children children living exploiting from sympathy theft
7. Working task and target groups
a.) Aim
In the city a rehabilitation centre will be built which will take care for the children, that have to live under these difficult conditions. The problematic status of this target group should be brought into sociological, social and governmental organisations and seen as a sociological problem to keep the project alive and develop a new point of view for solutions.
The centre will take care for 1000 children. Care programs of the centre: care especially for girls, who have to live on the street and have to collect rubbish health care a program against illiteracy, programs for food, education and assistance in low enforcement measures to secure the income and economic existence of the families of the children control of the working conditions and working places of the children by employing new administrative staff for the city administration
Special social workers will be trained, who will be working in teams consisting of two woman and a man, and will be under the control of BIBIM (information processing and valuation centre) as a part of the Rehab.- centre. These teams will be runned under the name ichildrenís lightî. BIBIM will be co-ordinated by the leaders of the working groups. For the protection of the street children an accommodation centre will be built Children who have all ready gained basic education but donít go on with school, should be able to find apprenticeships or jobs suitable for children Establishing of sport, culture, game, theatre, workshops and swimming centres, which support to reduce stress Steps to control children labour
b.) target groups
Criminals, or children threatened by crime, neglected, abused, children left alone, or living on the street who ran away from school or their families, working on the street, and those forced to live on garbage.
8. The translation into action
Together with all affected persons and under support with specialists a problem tree should be developed. All plans should be worked out with all people involved with the project and get into action with the o. k. of the co-ordinators.
All annual programs under the consideration of the most urgent steps, which have to be taken, should be translated into projects.
The project co-ordinators work out half year reports for the general co-ordination centre.
The BIBIM should work as a team and all involved people should be able to work in a team or to have team spirit. The tasks should be worked out independently.
The number of the project leaders might change with the need. In the beginning there are five areas planned. Social workers with working experience will be responsible for certain areas. Honorary helpers from social or governmental sections will also brought into charge. In the near future there will be also certain steps for surrounding areas of the city.
Co-operation with other organisations City All community offices University Association of lawyers Adult education centre Chamber of industry and commerce Trade co-operation Public health department Courts, prosecuting attorneyís office Civil public organisation voluntary helpers, honorary helpers Province provincial offices economic organisations – commercial associations general medical councils civil – public organisations and NGO`s trade unions social foundations and relief organisations provincial newspapers National / International prime ministerís office ministry of low ministry of family social service union (Ankara)
GAP – administration (South – East – Anatolia – Project) UNICEF EU NGO`s (Non -governmental organisations) civil organisations development funds honorary helpers press or news agencies Problem – solutions should consider for certain points:
I. problem (first conversation)
II. assessment (problem recognition – solution)
III. intervention (psycho – social treatment / transplantation)
IV. observation and voluation of the treatment conclusions
BIBIM develops for every child and its problem a very own therapy plan, which will be worked out by mobile project groups / teams.
9. Methodical points
Solution should be worked out sufficiently and last for long period. The society right now is ignoring the existence of child crime. Therefore also alternative rehabilitation centres should be involved into the project, which are willing to cooperate with civil, governmental and economic unions.
Main factors for the prevention of crime are:
School, family, police, judicial system, social service and public – civil organisations.
Risk factors in the city are: Prostitute, neglected teenagers.These groups should be examined:Haw they develop, reasons, behaviour and typical life stories.It is not important to control the problem, but to find strategies to solve the problem.
10. Employees
For all these social services one needs specialists. Permanent continuation of oneís education and also the flexibility of these specialists are very important points to consider. The necessary possibilities must be therefore for them.
a.) Planned number and qualification of employees Sector Qualification Number 1. project co-ordinator sociologist / social-worker 1 2. project leaders executive employee 1 3. project group leaders social worker, psychologist, 5 economist 4. secretary secretary 1 5. doctor paediatrician, internist 2 6. nurse / male nurse nurse, male nurse 2 7. lawyer jurist 1 8. controller social worker 3 9. acquaints department book – keeper 1 10.security employees security employees 1 11.driver transportation specialist 2 Total 20
Voluntary and honorary helpers, who are working for other organisation, who will be integrated in to the staff of employees.
11. Observation and Valuation
BIBIM will be established / used as the projects office. It will be responsible for the development, transplantation, observation and valuation. The service which will be used for the target group, will be defined by BIBIM. The data will be collected in a data bank, analysed by BIBIM and then will be given to the project groups to develop new point of views.
BIBIM will work as described here: Principles stability of all decision mode by officials traditional point of views should be questioned prevention development of educational possibilities democratical structures legacy permanent dialogue involvement of all affected people alternative educational models economical working
12. Budget
financing through: local city administration provincial administration private persons and private organisations business social activities national and international organisations and unions The amount of money needed for the starting of the project:
726.294 $ – US = 764797 Ä
Permanent costs for the next five years:
1.923.598 $ – US = 2025.927,77 Ä
13. Office furnishings
Personnel / Number / Costs Costs Material Explanation $ US Ä Euro desks 6 1200 1263,60 office chairs 6 3000 3159,60 seats 3 3000 3159,60 school desks 50 1000 1053,00 various office material — 840 884,52 computer and printer 3 5000 5265,00 photocopier 1 2500 2632,50 television 2 667 702,35 video camera 2 1000 1053,00 fax maschine 1 420 442,26 camera 2 667 704,35 slide projector + equipment 1 840 884,52 ventilator 2 840 884,52 fridge 2 2667 2808,35 training + sport equipment — 9167 9652,85 furniture (Mˆbel) 1 1167 1228,85 gymnasium + synthetic graind (Volleyball, Basketball) 51859 54607,50 archives cabinet 1 840 884,52 office cabinet 3 2500 2632,00 writing material + paper — 840 884,52 publication / printing costs — 840 884,52 transportation -cars caravan- 14167 14917,80 heating -various- 20000 21060,00 energy costs -12 months- 8334 8775,70 building restauration -12 months- 25000 26325,00 school uniforms school books, exercise books — 100000 105300,00 Bibim equipment -various Office material- 25000 26325,00 communication tools -telephone costs for 12 months- 2000 2106,00 external duty -various 12 months- 80000 84240,00 science / research -city area- 16667 17550,00 family fund -family aid 12 months-160000 168480,00 employees / staff per year costs costs $US Ä Euro project co-ordination 1 12000 12636,00 team leading 1 10000 10530,00 project leaders 5 45000 47385,00 secretary 1 5000 5265,00 doctor 2 20000 21000,00 nurse 2 12000 12636,00 book-keeping 1 5000 5265,00 security 1 4000 4212,00 driver 2 4460 4696,38 social worker 3 15000 15295,00 service personnel 1 3000 3150,00 subtotal 691709 728369,00 Unexpected costs 5% 34585 36418,00 Total 726294 764787,00
B. Diary – Schedule Section month year project preparation May 2000 project starting date June 2000 financing assurance September 2000 completion of the programme October-December 2000 vehicle procuring November 2000 procuring of the equipment December 2000 supply of the personnel October 2000 Starting date of work January 2000 Supervision – Valuation permanent 2000
14. View
The project, first of all, tries improve the social and psychological conditions of the so called street children.
The city of Diyarbakir thereforce is going to redevelop all valid structures and work of its social service system, an is willing to adapt itself to changing situations and processes. For the first time there will be a project which will be under the control of the health and social service office, and in which the own population, unions, volunteers, and civil organizations are able to participate.
For the local administration it should be possible to work together, of course in a democratical way, with the people and with organizations and it is necessary for them to propagate the aim and the work of the project in an active way in public.
The rasons of the street childrens problems should be solved and analized in a determined way and a common perspective worked out.
The family should have a better a, a more solid social a judical position for the future. But they also have to learn tu use their possibilities to change their situation on their ocon, and to use thepossibility of governmental aid.
They should be involved in the process and should participate in finding problem solving solutions. It is also an impatant aim of the project to develop an establish partnerships with various other organizations and social groups, that will help to go on working with other projects.
Longterm tims of the programme
Development of various main points or main areas in the city with the aim to sesitize obout the situation of street children and their families, to start a discussion about fheir situation, to take further steps for improvement
To adapt, to reintegrate marginal groups of the society into social life
The project should be considered as a permanent establishment and ist wok and philosophy should be brought to next / near areas around the city